Performance Unleashed: Unlocking maximum potential at MMA Innovate 2024

On June 28, 2024, Ho Chi Minh City played host to a groundbreaking panel discussion at the MMA Innovate 2024 event, centered around a theme that resonates deeply with today’s marketing landscape: “Performance Unleashed: Unlocking Maximum Potential.” The discussion brought together some of the brightest minds in Vietnam’s marketing scene to explore strategies for overcoming obstacles to peak performance and highlighted the fusion of branding with performance marketing. The insights shared during this session offered a treasure trove of actionable advice for marketers, brands, and agencies alike, eager to drive growth and success in an ever-evolving market.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset: The Foundation of Performance

The panel kicked off with a powerful discussion on the importance of cultivating a growth mindset as the bedrock of unlocking maximum potential. Nguyen Ha Duc Minh, the moderator and Founder & Senior Advisor at LAVA Digital Group, set the stage by emphasizing that performance marketing is a critical yet challenging aspect for many marketers today. His remarks struck a chord with Bui Manh Quan, CEO & Founder of The Bad God, who underscored the need for a robust mindset to navigate the complexities of e-commerce and performance marketing. According to Manh Quan, performance marketing is not just about numbers and ROI but is intrinsically linked to the survival and eventual flourishing of a brand.

This perspective was echoed by Nguyen Phu Cuong, Marketing Advisor at Bitis, who shared his transformative journey during the COVID-19 pandemic. Phu Cuong recounted how the crisis shifted his focus from traditional branding to a more quantified, data-driven approach. “For me, figures like leads or sales are just the final outcomes of the performance marketing process. The core lies in understanding what our customers think and feel,” he explained. This human-centric approach, combined with a strong reliance on data, has been instrumental in Bitis’ ability to adapt and thrive during challenging times.

Effective Feedback Mechanisms: Continuous Improvement in Focus

One of the key takeaways from the discussion at  MMA Innovate 2024 was the critical role of feedback in fostering an environment of continuous improvement. Thang Vu, Founder & CEO of Meta Ecom JSC, shared his experiences with local brands that often seek guarantees of success before committing to performance marketing strategies. He emphasized the need for brands to remain adaptable and open to feedback, especially in a landscape that is constantly changing due to factors like the rise of TikTok Shop and the increasing influence of KOCs and KOLs.

Thang Vu’s insights were complemented by Le Viet Hai Son, CEO of NOVAON Digital. Hai Son likened the development of e-commerce to the Elliott wave theory in stock investments, noting that those who join the game at the right time reap the most benefits. However, he cautioned against relying solely on timing and stressed the importance of revisiting goals and KPIs regularly. “For me, the real key to doing performance marketing well is still the content. Data helps set the target, but content is the bullet that hits the mark,” Hai Son stated. His approach underscores the necessity of combining strategic insights with high-quality content to achieve meaningful results.

Blending Branding with Performance Marketing: A Holistic Approach

A significant portion of the panel discussion was devoted to the interplay between branding and performance marketing. Both Manh Quan and Thang Vu articulated the growing trend of these two elements blending in modern marketing campaigns. For Quan, the experience of working in e-commerce and observing the strategies of Chinese brands helped him realize that branding and performance marketing must go hand in hand to ensure the success of any campaign.

Similarly, Thang Vu highlighted the transformative impact of TikTok Shop, which has changed the game by merging social and commercial aspects, reinforcing customers’ behaviors toward quick, emotion-driven decisions. This shift has made it increasingly difficult to separate branding from performance marketing, as both elements are now essential to crafting a compelling and effective marketing strategy.

Case Study: The Bad God’s 2-Year Anniversary Campaign

To illustrate the practical application of these insights, the panel presented a case study of a recent campaign for The Bad God’s 2-year anniversary. Thang Vu introduced the campaign, which required a delicate balance of branding and performance marketing. Drawing inspiration from a musical show, the campaign combined music, visual effects, and fashion to convey the message that shopping is entertainment, while also paying tribute to the brand’s unique customer base.

From the brand’s perspective, Manh Quan praised the collaboration between The Bad God and their agency, noting how the agency’s support was crucial in realizing the brand’s vision within the constraints of budget and scale. The agency’s role extended beyond mere execution, as they also played a pivotal part in booking and managing KOCs and KOLs, ensuring the campaign’s message resonated with the target audience.

Conclusion: Empowering Marketers to Unlock Their Full Potential

As the discussion at MMA Innovate 2024 ended, one message was clear: unlocking maximum potential in today’s marketing landscape requires a harmonious blend of mindset, strategy, feedback, and creativity. The panelists, through their diverse experiences and insights, provided a comprehensive roadmap for marketers aiming to elevate their performance marketing efforts.

For brands and agencies alike, the key takeaway is the importance of being adaptable, data-driven, and customer-centric. Whether it’s redefining complicated concepts, leveraging data to drive impactful content, or seamlessly integrating branding with performance marketing, the strategies shared at this event offer valuable lessons for anyone looking to achieve higher levels of success.

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