The State of Social Commerce & Live-streaming in Vietnam

In an era where social commerce—buying and selling on social media platforms—is seeing a massive uptick, how can marketers leverage this opportunity to reach their target audience?

This report explores the growing social commerce market in Vietnam and puts the role of live streaming in social commerce under the microscope.

It presents practical and insightful takeaways on how marketers should utilize live-streaming and social commerce to create a strong community around their brand and add value to users’ online browsing experience.

Key takeaways:

  • In Q4 2021, 27% of Vietnamese consumers utilized social commerce to make online purchases.
  • The primary social media platform for social commerce is Facebook (94%), followed by Zalo (49%) and Instagram (31%).
  • 72% of consumers said they adopted social commerce because it’s “convenient.”
  • Gen Z is more likely to discover social commerce casually using social media and from influencers than other age groups.

Read this report to understand what drives the rise of social commerce, its unique selling points, and how marketers can leverage this opportunity.

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