Selecting the right mix of sniper and bazooka marketing techniques for your business

In an era where the marketing landscape evolves at a breakneck pace, it’s crucial to gather wisdom from those at the forefront of innovation. At the MMA, our journey toward the relentless pursuit of marketing excellence has always steered collaborations with trailblazers in the field, which is both a pleasure and a privilege.

I recently had the privilege of engaging in a thought-provoking fireside chat with the visionary entrepreneur Varun Alagh, Co-founder & CEO, Honasa Consumer Pvt Ltd. at the Delhi debut of Impact India’s 12th edition. The young entrepreneur whose success precedes his introduction explored the very essence of sniper and bazooka techniques in marketing.

For those of you who missed it, here are some top-line revelations that transpired during our chat:

  1. Authentic Storytelling Transcends Trends: In a world teeming with trends and fads, Varun emphasized the timeless power of authentic storytelling. He highlighted that resonating with the audience’s emotions and aspirations forms the bedrock of impactful marketing. By aligning a brand’s narrative with its audience’s journey, marketers can create connections that span generations.
  2. Embracing Disruption: The New Normal: Disruption is no longer an anomaly; it’s the new normal. Varun passionately discussed how successful businesses are those that anticipate and embrace disruptions. The ability to pivot swiftly, he noted, defines industry leaders. This resonates profoundly in a dynamic landscape where change isn’t just a constant—it’s a catalyst for growth.
  3. Data as the North Star: Varun’s insights echoed the growing importance of data-driven decision-making. The abundance of data empowers marketers to refine strategies with precision. However, he cautioned against drowning in data. Rather, he advocated for focusing on key metrics that align with strategic goals, ensuring that data remains a guiding star rather than a bewildering constellation.
  4. Purpose-Led Marketing: Beyond Profit: We delved into the concept of purpose-led marketing, a realm where brands transcend profitability to champion societal causes. Varun’s eloquence on this topic was truly inspiring. He shared how aligning a brand’s purpose with a meaningful social impact not only fosters goodwill but also resonates deeply with the modern consumer, driving authentic brand loyalty.
  5. Technology as an Enabler, Not a Crutch: Technology, while transformative, mustn’t overshadow the human touch. Varun articulated that while cutting-edge tools enhance efficiency, the essence of human connection remains unparalleled. The fusion of technology and human ingenuity, he stressed, births marketing strategies that truly captivate and endure.
  6. Navigating the Digital Deluge: The digital realm offers a sea of opportunities, but it also presents unprecedented challenges. Varun and I deliberated the art of cutting through the digital noise that surrounds us. He stressed on the significance of hyper-personalization and context-driven content, allowing brands to forge connections that stand out amidst the digital deluge.


Alagh’s insights resonate deeply with the ethos of marketing in this ever-evolving landscape. As we contemplate the future, his wisdom illuminates a path where innovation, empathy, and purpose converge. Our fireside chat was a testament to the power of open discourse and the limitless potential of collaboration. I encourage fellow marketers and enthusiasts to embrace these takeaways, paving the way for a marketing paradigm that is not just transformative, but truly transcendent.

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