Brand Safety Reimagined

Brand safety has come a long way from tackling bot attacks and appropriate juxtaposition. Even though that element still persists, marketers must take a unique stance on brand safety for their organization. This report is a first-of-its-kind toolkit for marketers that enables marketers to pivot from a one-and-done approach towards brand safety and address brand safety issues, both proactively and, when necessary, reactively.

The report further delves into:

  • The brand safety framework.
  • Stakeholder roles and responsibilities.
  • What is brand safety, and why does it matter?
  • Brand safety application across a spectrum of solutions.
  • Myths around ad fraud and the reality of digital campaigns.
  • Navigating misinformation and understanding industry perspectives on the future of brand safety. 

This report was prepared by marketers, for marketers with the objective of shedding light on brand safety and providing actionable takeaways for brand marketers. Download this report to learn how to tackle brand safety in an ever-evolving media landscape.

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