Aligning engagement metrics in advertising

Aligning Engagement Metrics in Advertising

In the dynamic realm of digital advertising, the Modern Marketing Association (MMA) embarked on a pioneering project to standardize engagement metrics—a keystone for evaluating campaign effectiveness and ensuring equitable evaluation of awards entries. This comprehensive guide captures the journey of the Engagement Metrics Project from its ambitious beginnings to its pivot – a pragmatic decision made in the face of the industry’s complex digital ecosystem, particularly with video metrics. Herein, we present the findings, challenges, and the MMA’s strategic recommendations for aligning these metrics with business objectives, thus enabling fair and consistent benchmarking across the advertising landscape.

Launched in the second half of 2023, the Engagement Metrics Project was an ambitious endeavour to address the disparities in how success metrics were defined and utilized across various platforms, thereby impacting the equitable evaluation of campaigns and initiatives. The project aimed to lay down unified guidelines for engagement metrics by bringing together industry leaders, including Google, Meta, TikTok, and other significant industry bigwigs. This collective effort was to ensure that campaigns were assessed on a level playing field, providing a set of clear and consistent criteria for measuring success.

This report details the challenges faced and the insights gained, underscoring the MMA’s dedication to educating and empowering the marketing community.

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