Embracing the Future of Privacy-First Advertising Strategies | Brand Safety & MarTech Report 2023

The advertising industry, shaped by regulations like the EU’s GDPR and the CCPA, faces a seismic shift. Third-party cookies are vanishing, IDFA changes are in motion, and mounting privacy concerns are reshaping targeting strategies and revenue streams. 

This report explores how the advertising industry is evolving, how regulations play a vital role, and how brands can ensure consumer confidence while leveraging data.

This report is the second Chapter of Brand Safety & MarTech Report 2023 and sheds light on: 

  • The role of AI in contextual advertising
  • How Seller-defined Audiences (SDA) benefit the entire industry
  • The evolving significance of Universal IDs

Download this report to gain actionable takeaways on how brands can navigate privacy-first advertising.

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